Public Hearing Protocol

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The Putnam County Planning & Zoning Commission will conduct their regularly scheduled public hearing on June 4th at 6:30 pm. However, in an effort to provide a safe environment and maintain the recommended six feet social distancing regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic, we will follow specific and detailed guidelines in conducting the meeting. Therefore, limited seating will be available inside of the meeting room and reserved for those that have signed in to address the commission. In addition, everyone entering the building on the day of the meeting will be required to wear a mask and have their temperatures checked by our medical technicians.

The public hearing will be on Facebook Live on the Putnam County page (  You may also call in via Zoom to hear real time audio of the meeting by calling 929-205-6099 and entering Meeting ID #862 4238 5355.  Your call will be muted, and we ask that you remain muted to eliminate background noises for other callers.  The protocol will be as follows:

  1. At 5:30 pm promptly, there will be separate sign-in sheets for the variance items and rezoning items located on the outside of the building. Please sign in if you desire to speak for or against an agenda item.
  2. Please return to your vehicles and tune in to Facebook or call the Zoom number and listen to a live broadcast of the hearing.
  3. For each agenda item, the applicant and proponents will be asked to enter the building first, followed by the opponents.
  4. Due to the limited seating, opponents will rotate in and out based on the order in which they sign in.   
  5. If you are speaking in opposition of a request that has more than 10 opposers, you will be asked to exit the building and return to your vehicle once you address the commission.
  6. The chairperson will call the names as listed on the sign-in sheet and when you hear your name on the radio, please exit your vehicle wearing your mask and approach the designated entrance.
  7. Once your temperature has been taken you will be allowed to enter the building.  Any attendee with a temperature over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, or who exhibits signs of any symptoms of COVID-19, shall not be allowed entry into the building.
  8. Someone will greet you at the entrance of the meeting room with hand sanitizer and direct you to the designated seating. 
  9. The room and seats will be properly sanitized in between each group of speakers.
  10. Those who cannot attend the meeting for any reason, including those with preexisting conditions, are encouraged to email their comments to on or before June 3rd and they will be distributed to the board members.